
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Week 3 Spring 2016

Hello, I'll be out for Wednesday and Thursday, but I'll see you on Friday!
Here is your agenda:

3 English:
Research Project: Make a blog post about the upcoming Super Bowl. Use a few pictures, tell about where the SuperBowl will be, who is in it, who people think will win, etc. You should have 4-5 sentences at least.

4 Math:
Continue on the transaction sheet and finish. When you are done, Have Jaspre decide on a new restaurant to go to, find their menu online, and start a new transaction sheet.

5 Health:
Read the first 3 pages of this article as a class. Take turns asking questions as you read. When you are done reading, make a blog post about the article, and tell what you thought about it. What did you think was interesting, weird, gross, funny, etc. You should have 4-5 sentences at least.

6 Transition:
Make a blog post about the importance of Accepting Invitations and Keeping Agreements. See if you can find a picture representing either of these topics. If not, take a picture yourself of Accepting Invitations and Keeping Agreements. Write 3 sentences about each topic on your blog post. Make your blog post title: From Acquaintance to Friend. Use this as your topic sentence: "Accepting invitations and keeping agreements are good ways to get friends."

7 Job Tryout:
Make a blog post about the importance of putting in effort to finding a job, as well as being willing to accept entry level positions. Title your blog post "To get a job, you have to do some hard work." Tell about the smart ways to act when you are considering getting a job, and also tell what it means to accept entry level positions. See if you can find pictures representing any of these topics.

Monday, January 25, 2016

7 Job Tryout Week 3

Good Afternoon, Mr. Grimm will be in on Tuesday and Friday.

Daily Quiz: List 2 reasons why people might get turned down for a job.


Copy this definition: An entry-level job is the first job that a new trainee or graduate takes upon completion of a training or degree program.

Examples:  click here to see some sample entry level jobs from

Copy this: It's important to be willing to start at the bottom and work your way up!

Now copy this framework and get ready to watch the video:

Check out the answers here

Role-Play in pairs: Willing or Not Willing to start at entry level position:
First, choose a partner that you did not role-play with last week.
Then choose if you are going to Willing or Not Willing to start at the bottom
Then choose the type of job you will be talking about. One person is the applicant, one person is the employer.

PairsWilling or not willing to start at the bottom.Type of job
Based on Participation/Cooperation 4321
and Staying on topic 4321
and Adding something interesting to the skit 21

Total Possible is 10 points.

6 Transition Week 3

Good Afternoon, Mr. Grimm will be in class on Tuesday and Friday this week.

Daily Quiz: On daily quiz sheets

People Smart:

We are continuing to identify ways to move acquaintances to become friends.
Somebody write the following words on the board in the correct places...
Now draw an arrow to show going from acquaintance toward friend.

Notes: Keep Agreements

Copy the notes below, and take turns to come up with 3 examples and the feelings associated with broken promises.

write down the notes below, then watch the Not Smart Video and fill in the notes. Answers are here.

After you see what Justin did that was Not Smart, make a prediction on what Justin's People Smart decision will be, then watch the video to see if your prediction was close. Answers are here.

Role-Play in pairs: Keeping/Not keeping an agreement: First, choose a partner that you did not role-play with last week.
Then choose if you are going to do Keeping or Not Keeping an agreement.
Then choose the topic of conversation: Borrowing something, bringing something, meeting somewhere, etc.

PairsKeeping or Not KeepingTopic of Conversation
Based on Participation/Cooperation 4321
and Staying on topic 4321
and Adding something interesting to the skit 21

Total Possible is 10 points.

4 Math Week 3

Good Morning! I, Mr. Grimm, will only be here on Tuesday and Friday this week. Please do your best to keep learning this money math, there is a test on Friday and you will be using this information for the rest of your lives!

10:35- Daily Quiz

10:40- New Transaction Sheet: be sure to put your name and date on it.

Count in Drawer: Use all the money in the blue pouch, plus another $241.65 from the till.

Jaspre: write on transaction sheet, Gabriel San give change, Eduardo pass out calculators, Patty count in money (what Grimm usually does).

After you have counted in the money and recorded your balance, take a trip on up to San Luis Obispo to Firestone Grill!
Here is their menu.

Take turns ordering a meal, filling out the sheet for each transaction as you go.
Item 1: Ron's choice
Item 2: Julian's choice
Item 3: Marysol's choice
Item 4: Dante's choice
Item 5: Cassey's choice

5 Health Week 3

Good Morning, Mr. Grimm will be in on Tuesday and Friday. Remember to follow the class rules, put in good effort to do well on your quizzes and test, and take good notes!

Daily Quiz: Draw a Health Triangle and put the following words on it:
Physical, Mental, Social, Puberty, Friends, Frustrated

Here is the answer

Notes: Endocrine System

This is part of physical health.

The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce hormones

These hormones change how your body works.

You go through puberty because of these hormones.

The important hormone for males is testosterone.

The important hormones for females are estrogen and progesterone.

When you are done writing these notes, you need to make flashcards for these words.

Testes: produce testosterone and sperm
Ovaries: produce estrogen, progesterone, and eggs
Adrenal Glands: secrete steroid hormones
Pancreas: secretes insulin

Save the flashcards on your computer

If time, you can start these notes about Dating:

3 English Week 3

Good Morning, I hope you are all doing well! I will be out today for Period 3, here is your assignment.

9:30- Daily Quiz

9:45- Commercials- Notes

After you have set up these notes, watch the commercials and fill out the form.
1. Kung Fu Panda
2. Movie: Man from the Future
3. Pokemon
4. Weather-Tech
5. Colgate
6. Budweiser

Google Calendar:
Create these events:

Varsity Girls Basketball Game 5:30-6:30 this Wednesday
Varsity Boys Basketball Game 7:00-8:00 this Wednesday

  Jostens will be here on Monday, February 1 to take the GIRLS’ orders for cap and gowns, and on Tuesday, February 2 to take the BOYS’ orders.  The caps and gowns are $40 until February 2.  After that, they will increase to $55.

Grad Nite tickets will be available from February 9 – 22 ONLY.  The cost is $120, and THERE WILL NO TICKET SALES AFTER FEBRUARY 22. Grad Nite will be at Magic Mountain on May 26.  More information will follow.

Friday, January 29
AHC Dance Performance – lunch – amphitheatre

Thursday, January 21, 2016

5 Health

Good Morning, you will have a substitute teacher today. Here is your agenda:
  • Daily Quiz
  • Puberty in Females Worksheet (Read and pronounce all words)
  • Puberty in Males Worksheet (Read and pronounce all words)
  • Venn Diagram Males/Females (Same/Different)
Go to and search each of these words, and copy the definitions into your notes.

Ovulation (#1)
Menstruation (#1 just the first line)
Ejaculation (#2)
Sperm (#2)

Notes on Lawrence and Evelyn

Friday, January 15, 2016

Spring 2016 Week 1

We made it to the end of the week! Here is the Weekly Test.

You are to make a new post on your blog. You will first copy the sentences below, and then use your notes to answer that question. I am looking forward to see what you write.

5 Health

Title: 5 Health Spring Week 1
Post Content: "This week we studied _________________". Some things I thought were interesting was__________________________.

6 Transition

Title: 6 Transition Spring Week 1
Post Content: "This week we studied _________________". Some things I thought were interesting was__________________________.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Spring Semester 2016

Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you all had a nice Winter Break! I bet a lot of things happened, some things were probably fun, others were probably not fun. I had a very nice break, some things were fun, some things were not fun.
Fun things: Seeing my family, giving and getting presents, having time to be at home in my space.
Not fun things: Helping my friend through a hard time, doing homework assignments that I had fallen behind on.

I am very glad to be back at school, I missed seeing all of you! As we get back into the school routine, I want you to keep some things in mind.

1. We all make mistakes, just keep trying your best.
2. Do your best to follow the classroom rules.
3. When you make a mistake, be willing to admit it and accept responsibility.

Here is our agenda for the day:

3 English

Google Calendar Events
Spot it

4 Math

Money Transactions

5 Health

Health Triangle Notes
Family Living
Date Smart

6 Transition

People Smart
How to turn an acquaintance into a friend- Invitations

7 Job Tryout

Job Smart